Scientific Proof that God Exists

Saturday, September 4, 2010

My Priorities in LIFE – Future Planning

1. What is the REASON for making this Priorities Schedule available to the workforce?
Answ: To assist people to plan their priorities in life and to ensure that the correct time and effort is spent with the most important priorities in our life.

Yintoni isizathu sokwenza esisicwangciso sezinto eziza kuqala?
Imp: Ukunceda abantu bacwangcise izinto eziza kuqala ebomini nokuqinisekisa ukuba ixesha labo balichitithela kwezonto ziza kuqala.

2. What is the PURPOSE of this Priorities schedule?
Answ: To ensure that I am aware of the correct priorities in my life and to adjust my life to be in line with these requirements.

Yintoni umsebenzi waso esisicwangciso sezinto zokuqala?
Imp: Ukuqinisekisa ukuba ndiyazazi izinto zokuqala ebomini bam ndiphile ubomi bam ngokomgaqo wazo.

3. What can I ACHIEVE with this Priorities schedule?
Answ: Being focussed on the real meaning of life will give me more incentive to strive for the best achievements in all areas of my life!

Ndizofumana ntoni ngokwenza esisicwangciso sezinto zokuqala?
Imp: Ukujongana nobomi ngenkqu kuzondenza ndisebenzele iziqhamo ezihle kubomi bam bonke.

4. HOW will this Priorities schedule help me in my Life?
Answ: It will give me more time to complete important activities and it will bring order, peace and joy into my Life.

Sizonceda njani ebomini bam esisicwangciso sezinto zokuqala?
Imp: Izondinika ixesha elaneyo lokwenza zonke izinto ezibalulekiyo kwaye izondiphathela ucwangco, uxolo novuyo ebomini bam.

5. HOW must I USE this Priorities schedule?
Answ: First list your current priorities in life, then slowly start to change your activities to be in line with the correct order of 1 to 7. Then start applying these priorities in all areas of your life.

Ndisisebenzise njani esisicwangciso sezinto zokuqala?
Imp: Qala ngokudwelisa zonke izinto eziza kuqala ebomini bakho, wandule inkqubo yakho ihambiselane nolucwangciso 1-7. Qalisa ukuphila ngokwalemigaqo.

6. Why is it in the order with the Lord God being Number 1?
Answ: All we have come from God. The oxygen, sunshine, rain, our talents and our health are FREE from God. As He is Lord and Creator of the world, I must honour Him as the First priority in my life.

Kutheni ihambisana noThixo?
Imp: Zonke izinto zivela kuThixo. Umoya, ilanga, imvula, iziphiwo zethu nempilo yethu zivela kuye. Njengoko enguThixo uMdali wehlabathi, ndimele ukumdumisa ndimenze owokuqala ebomini bam.

7. Why must I Prioritise in my Life and how will it help me?
Answ: It will bring a Godly order in my life. It will help me to focus on the important activities in my life. It will assist me to achieve goals in my life.

Kutheni kufuneka ndikhethile izinto zokuqala ebomini bam kwaye izondinceda njani lonto?
Imp: Izondiphathela ucwangco lukaThixo ebomini bam. Izondinceda ndijongane nezinto ezibalulekileyo ebomini bam. Izondinceda ndifezekise amaphupha wam.

8. Why should I avoid just living for myself and not for the Lord?
Answ: The Bible states – Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus said to him “ You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. You shall love your neighbor as yourself”

Kutheni kufuneka ndingaphileli mna ndiphilele uThixo?
Imp: Ibhayibhile ithi – Matthew 22:37-39 uYesu wathi kuye “Uzakuyithanda iNkosi uThixo wakho ngentliziyo yakho iphela, ngomphefumlo wakho uphela nangengqondo yakho iphela. Uzakumthanda ummelwane wakho njengoko uzithanda ngako.

Jer 29: 11: For I know the plans I have for You, Saith the Lord, plans to prosper You and not to harm you; to give You an Eternal Hope and an awesome future – THE LORD JESUS.

Ndiyazazi izicwangciso endizenzileyo ngobomi benu; utshilo uThixo,ndinenjongo zoku ninika ubutyebi hayi ukunivisa ubuhlungu; ndininike ubomi obungunaphakade nekamva elihle.

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