Scientific Proof that God Exists

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Financial Plan – Monthly Budget

1. What is the REASON for making this Budget available to the workforce?
Answ: To assist people to Plan for their monthly needs and to ensure that they do not overspend with the subsequent need to lend money they cannot repay.

Yintoni isizathu sokwenzela abasebenzi ibhajet ?
Imp: Ukunceda abantu benze izicwangciso zabo zenyanga ukuqinisekisa ukuba abadluli koko banako ntoleyo yenza baphele besenza imali mboleko abangazokwazi ukuyibuyisa.

What is the PURPOSE of a Budget?
Answ: To ensure that I take account of all my monthly expenses and manage
my Income in relation to my expected outflow of cash.

Yintoni umsebenzi webhajet?
Imp: Kukuqiniseka ngenkcitho yam yenyanga ndisebenzise imali ezakwanela leyo ndilindele ukuyifumana

What can I ACHIEVE with this Budget?
Answ: I Plan my future financial freedom. Pay of any unnecessary accounts. I manage, adjust and control my finances. Plan to start a Savings account

Ndizofumana ntoni ngokwenza ibhajeth?
Imp: Ndilungiselela ikamva lam ndibenenkululeko kwezemali. Ndibhatale onke amatyala. Ndizakubanoqoqosho kwimali yam. Ndizokuqala ukugcina imali bucala.

HOW will this Budget help me in my Life?
Answ: It will set me Free from loan sharks. I will have enough money to buy Cash, without using expensive accounts. I will have savings to pay for my children’s further education and possible house renovations.

Izonceda njani kubomi bam lebudget?
Imp: Izondikhulula komatshonisa. Ndizakubanemali eyaneleyo yokuthenga ngemali ndingakhange ndenze tyala eliduru. Ndizakugcina imali yokufundisa abantwana bam ndikwazi nokulungisa indlu yam.

HOW must I USE this Budget?
Answ: Monthly insert the items and the amounts. Pay all your expenses per the allocated amounts and update. Save any excess funds on a monthly basis

Ndiyisebenzise njani le bhajet?
Imp: Qho ngenyanga faka imfuno zakho nemali yazo. Zibhatale zonke ngokwezomali ubuzifakile apho. Gcina imali ongayisebenzisanga qho ngenyanga.

Why is it in the order with the Kingdom of GOD being Number 1?
Answ: All we have come from God. The oxygen, sunshine, rain, our talents and our health are FREE from God. In thanksgiving to God, we give a tenth of our salary to the LORD.

Kutheni lento ihambisana nobukumkani buka Thixo?
Imp: Zonke izinto zivela kuThixo. Umoya, ilanga, imvula, iziphiwo zethu nempilo yethu zivela kuye. Ekumbuleleni uThixo, sinikela ngezishumi kumvuzo wethu kuye.

Why must I save and in what Bank Account?
Answ: Savings help us with future unexpected needs i.e. Education, illness, house repairs, funeral costs & during times of retrenchment. Savings Account.

Kutheni kufune ndigcine imali ebhankeni?
Imp: Ukugcina imali kunceda kwizinto ezivela zingalindelekanga njengemfundo, ukugula, ukulungisa indlu, umngcwabo nokudendwa emsebenzini.

Why should I avoid having Loan accounts?
Answ: Accounts are very expensive. We spend to easily if we buy on accounts. Accounts keep us in debt and in bondage to that business.

Kutheni kufuneka ndohlukane nendawo zemali mboleko?
Imp: Amatyala aduru. Zisebenzisa imali eninzi xa sinamatyala. Amatyala ayasibophelela.

How must I manage my Bank Account?
Answ: Keep records of all purchases. Keep records of all withdrawals. Do a weekly reconciliation between the bank withdrawals and your purchases

Ndingayiphatha njani imali yam esebhankeni?
Imp: Khumbula yonke into oyithengileyo. Ukhumbule yonke imali oyitsalayo. Qho ngempela veki qhathanisa imali oyikhuphileyo kuleyo uthenge ngayo.

2 Timothy 1: 7: Our Father has not given us the Spirit of fear; but a Spirit of Power, of Love and of a Sound Mind – THE LORD JESUS.

uBawo wethu akasinikanga umoya wokoyika; usinike umoya wamandla; wothando nengqondo eqiqayo

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