Scientific Proof that God Exists

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Love of enemies: Read Matt.6:43-48; Lev.19:17-18

Jesus defined our enemies as those who curse us, abuse us, hate us and exploit us selfishly. Since Christian love is an act of the will, and not simply an emotion, He can command us to love our enemies. After all, He loved us when we were His enemies (Rom.5:10). We may show this love by blessing those who curse us, doing good to them, and praying for them. When we pray for our enemies, we find it easier to love them, it takes the “poison” out of our attitudes.

Jesus gave 3 reasons for this admonition. (1) It is a mark of maturity. But you must be a child of the Father and the Holy Spirit indwelling you to have the power to live like this. (2) It is Godlike. God shares His good things with those who are against Him. Matthew 5:45 implies that our love creates a climate of blessings that makes it easy to win our enemies and make them our friends. Love is like the sunshine and rain that the Father sends in His mercy and grace. (3) It is a testimony to others.

God expects us to live a much better kind of life than the lost people of the world who return good for good and evil for evil. We must return good for evil in all circumstances. I was once insulted and falsely accused by a former colleague in the presence of others where I was teaching. It left me speechless and shocked. I first of all made sure his accusations were not true by consulting with other teachers who knew me well. That weekend I prayed for him each time his name appeared in my thoughts…and that happened frequently! In my prayers for him to God I gave thanks, supplications and intercessions for him. It turned the bitterness into a blessing. On the Monday he apologized in the presence of others.

The word “perfect” in Matthew 5:48 do not imply sinless perfection, for that is impossible in this life. It suggests completeness, maturity, as the children of God. The Father loves His enemies and seeks to make them His children if they repent (turn from sin) and put their trust in the Lord Jesus alone. We as His children should assist Him in loving them (not condoning their sin) and treat them like the Father does.

1 comment:

  1. thanks! you don't know how much this has helped me. My classmates and I are grateful
